OAuth 2.0

Open Authorisation Framework

I started with PortSwigger Labs and i thinks it's the best resource for someone wanting to learn about OAuth and common vulnerabilities here. You can access it through here: https://portswigger.net/web-security/oauth

  • OAuth 2.0 is completely different from OAuth 1, it's not a sequel of it.

  • There are mainly 2 grant types used in OAuth i.e. "Authorization code" , "Implicit" grant.


There are mainly 3 components in OAuth framework.

  • CLIENT APPLICATION: Application that needs access of user's data to let user sign-up on their application.

  • RESOURCE OWNER: Owner of data whose data is being requested.

  • OAUTH SERVICE PROVIDER: Service where user's data is stored and client application is already registered with this service in order to use it e.g. Google, Facebook, Github etc.


  • Identifying that OAuth is being used by client application. It's easy to do so when you see:

    • Signup with social media services, google, github etc.

    • A request like /auth?client_id=a45tbk&redirect_uri=https://example.com/oauth&response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile%20email

    • client_id, redirect_uri, scope are good indicators of OAuth.

  • Look up for these files on OAuth server:

    • /.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

    • /.well-known/openid-configuration


  • Testing for if state parameter is tied to session of user otherwise CSRF like attack is possible.

  • Check how OAuth service provider checks redirect_uri parameter. If you can put your server's url in redirect_uri parameter then you can successfully steal victim's authorization code or Access token, depending on the grant type, by sending the malicious url to victim.

  • If redirect url is making a pattern matching check if you can try to bypass that checks e.g legitwebsite.com@attacker.com, lgitwebsite.attacker.com

  • Check if you can find an open redirect on this website that can be used to proxy data to your server.

  • Check if you can leak code to arbitrary page on client's website https://client-app.com/oauth/callback/../../example/path and if you find some vulnerability on https://client-app.com/example/path then you can leak OAuth code.

  • Scope abuse, check if you can send scope parameter to ask more details then required.

  • Check if anyone can register with OAuth service provider without any authorization.

Last updated